Saturday, December 8, 2007

Checking in with Jake

Thanks to, um "Anonymous" on the message boards for pointing us in the direction of this sweet little article about Jake's ongoing retirement. Live it, Snake! We still obviously follow the Broncos but we haven't forgotten our favorite QB!


Anonymous said...

That was me that gave you that article!

Let Plummer Play! said...

Ok, but that's the thing, YOU post as ANONYMOUS so then we just can't give credit where credits due.

Post your name next time and we will all hail John Smith or whoever you are!

Anonymous said...

You lying sack of shit that was me who put that told about the article!

Anonymous said...

It is me who gave you the article, I posted as anonymous because I didn't know about the nickname feature!

Anonymous said...

Your a fucking lier don't even think of tryin to take credit for that man!!!!

Anonymous said...

Fuck you ANONYMOUS, you're an ass! Go somewhere and wait for madden '09 to be released.

Anonymous said...

Why are you making such a big deal about someone else who told everyone about the article Jerry? Just grow up and quit being a lier, o wait your not grown up yet your probably 11 years old. Go play hide the hotdog with your mommy you fagget ass lier!!!!!!

Let Plummer Play! said...

Jerry and Anonymous...You guys win the "Argument Of The Year Award!"

Though you're probably the same person, it's still funny!

Anonymous said...

Letplummerplay i swear it was me. Can you trust a guy whos name is jerry come on?

Anonymous said...

Im glad to see that the Snake is doing well, although the article basically squashed any dreams I had of him coming back to the NFL.

Anonymous said...

Fuck the snake, Cutler is here to stay!

Anonymous said...

Lol @ Griz, you really thought he was going to come back. Priceless.

Anonymous said...

Not with denver, But I always thought there was a shot some other team may convinve him to strap it up for one last go around.